Thursday, August 25, 2011

Verse i

High Noon

Foreign students sit, practicing English
workers, alone, with their paper-wrapped meals
already regret where they must return.

Layabouts, supine, whose eyes watch the sky
everyone moves in their own well-worn paths
close and distant never daring to meet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Origins of Obsession

If we could define the moment that gives birth to infatuation, would it be a single bright spark, or a slow kindling fanned by the breath of incessant thought?

What I know, is that once I've latched onto something, I will research it into the ground, usually forsaking time I should be spending doing other things, like work or sleep or domestic tasks. This is not surprising, from a girl who grew up regularly reading the dictionary, because once you look up one word, you see another. And another...